
1 Artworks

(32:00 min)


«Portals» invites the traveling viewer to enter multidimensional spaces inspired by sacred sites in Argentina and the Earth, exploring the connection between meditation and nature. Dimensional portals are places where it is be- lieved that different planes of existence or rea- lities can be accessed. These places are known for being points of high energy and vibration, which are often used for connection with the universal. Through these works, the artist in- vites us to explore the limits of our perception and the idea of multidimensionality. A portal that opens in a mountain, abstract and digital. A journey through different dimensions that takes us to another space of our mind, invites us to consider the idea that they can be acces- sible to each one of us.


1 Artworks

(33:39 min)


In "Etherforest", we explore the intersection between nature and technology, inviting the viewer to immerse themselves in a digital forest generated from LiDAR topographic data, terrain laser scanners, and images created through machine learning (AI) image generation software. The short film is presented as an immersive experience that seeks to expand our perception of the natural environment and challenge our understanding of landscapes in the digital age. As we explore the digital forest, we delve into a world where the linearity of time and space dissolves. The digital forest becomes a sacred space where the language of algorithms dialogues with the wisdom of nature, and the aesthetics of data meet with organic beauty. "Etherforest" is a short film that visually merges data extracted from two different sources. Pointclouds captured by 3D laser scanners used in topography (LIDAR) are used to recreate real forests with high precision. Artificial intelligence generative forest images and landscapaes using artificial intelligence techniques.

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